edgewater and hoboken cosmetic & laser centers

Medical + Surgical + Laser Aesthetic Treatments

How long does Laser Tattoo Removal take

It seemed like a good idea at the time, right? But now that tattoo is just a reminder of something (or someone) you’d rather forget. Now that the memory has faded, it’s time to fade that tattoo and get it laser removed. While estimates show more than 10 million...

Male Liposuction Before and After Results

Male Liposuction BEFORE Male Liposuction AFTER Male Liposuction BEFORE Male Liposuction AFTER Male Liposuction BEFORE Male Liposuction AFTER Male Liposuction BEFORE Male Liposuction AFTER Male Liposuction BEFORE Male Liposuction...

Breast Augmentation

We perform breast augmentation surgery as is an in-office procedure to enhance breast size and breast shape. We utilize saline and silicone implants to achieve the desired aesthetic effect. The ultimate goal is to enhance proportions and create an...