edgewater and hoboken cosmetic & laser centers

Medical + Surgical + Laser Aesthetic Treatments

Tumescent Liposuction

I offer a very specialized form of Liposuction suction called tumescent Liposuction totally by local anesthesia. This is a minimally invasive procedure with minimal downtime so you recover very fast and are back to work within a few days. Small amounts of numbing...

Tumescent Liposuction

I offer a very specialized form of Liposuction suction called tumescent Liposuction totally by local anesthesia. This is a minimally invasive procedure with minimal downtime so you recover very fast and are back to work within a few days. Small amounts of numbing...

Liquid Face Lyft

Dr. Khan is please to offer you the finest “Liquid Face Lyft” techniques! NOW offering his very own “BELLA-LYFT” Results can last up to 5-years and longer! “I love the Bella-Lyft treatment. Soft, natural results, minimal swelling, and...

Surgical Mole Removal Process

Moles are considered beauty spots by many… but some are more beautiful than others. Sometimes moles are present in inconvenient places or simply do not look attractive. In rare cases, moles can be considered precancerous, and must be removed. Skin tags form anywhere...

Smart Lipo Treatment

Dr. Khan utilizes the best laser lipo technologies to give you the very best shape. Here he uses his Smartlipo laser system to tighten the skin and to kill off fat cells for the best body contouring results. The red aiming beam you see is tightening the skin in the...

Restylane Defyne

I tell all of my patients that there is nothing like a little maintenance to prevent and correct the aging process and wrinkling of the skin. One of the newest filler Products to hit the market is Restylane Defyne. This unique filler has what’s called XpresHAn...